MFA Candidate in Fibers from University of Missouri at Columbia
BFA Printmaking and Metals from University of Texas at El Paso
Arrowmont Workstudy Fall
Friends of Arrowmont Tuition Scholarship
El Paso Chapter NSAL Printmaking Competition, Third Place Award
UTEP College of Liberal Arts Dean's List: Spring
Salon des Refusés, UTEP , Best Print
El Paso Museum of Art, Teaching Artist Showcase, El Paso TX
EPIC Railyard Event Center, Las Artistas, El Paso TX
Picture Frame Outlet and Gallery, “Serrated Intimacy” solo show, Las Cruces NM
The Station, “6th Annual Art Auction for Amor Por Juarez”, El Paso TX
South Broadway Cultural Center, “Prints by Southwest”, Albuquerque NM
Purple Gallery, “Desert Triangle Print Carpeta: A Soft Landing”, El Paso TX
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, L Gallery, “Tangential Intimacies”. El Paso TX
Honeyguide Gallery, “Remanence” a part of the solo female artist series, El Paso TX
Womanmade Gallery, “Adorn: Contemporary Wearable Art”, Chicago IL
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “CUADRO Project Archives”, El Paso TX
CUADRO, “House of Everything”, El Paso TX
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “10 Squared, 100 Artists Celebrate UTEP's Centennial”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Fox Fine Arts Open House Centennial Celebration, “Exhibition of Alumni Metals Majors”, El Paso TX
Honeyguide Gallery, “Censor Me?”, El Paso TX
Honeyguide Gallery, “BodyOfWorkOfBody”, El Paso TX
First Presbyterian Commons Center, Las Artistas, El Paso TX
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “Border to Baghdad, Artistic Exchange”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Union Gallery, “DoArt Biennial Senior Show”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Glass Gallery, “Cogito” Solo BFA Printmaking Exhibit, El Paso TX
First Presbyterian Commons Center, Las Artistas, El Paso TX
Arts Festival Plaza, Chalk the Block: “Off the Wall” and “Art History, Drawing, Printmaking”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Union Gallery, “DoArt Biennial Senior Show”, El Paso TX
Glasbox Studios, “17 Ojos Collective Art Show”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Glass Gallery, “Flatfile VII”, El Paso TX
Loft Light Gallery, “Mujeres de la Tierra, 6th annual binational female art show”, El Paso TX
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, “Biennial Juried Student Show”, El Paso TX
First Presbyterian Commons Center, Las Artistas, El Paso TX
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, “Radical Jewelry Makeover”, Santa Fe NM UTEP, Glass Gallery, “Flatfile VI”, El Paso TX
Alameda Gallery, “In Print”, El Paso TX
UTEP, Glass Gallery, “Flatfile V”, El Paso TX
2012- Present
Dr. Magnus Heirsfeled's Sideshow Extravaganza
Owner, Organizing, Booking, Promoting, Prop Making, Performing
El Paso Museum of Art
Teaching classes and workshops through the Museum School
FabLab Relief Printmaking Demo
Honeyguide Gallery
Assisted in creation, curation, promotion, and set-up of shows and workshops
El Paso Museum of Art, Mexican Consulates’ 20th Children’s Drawing Contest
El Paso Museum of Art, Spark Saturdays: Relief Printmaking Demo
Print Matters’ Under Pressure Rockin’ Rollin’ Prints, Steam Roller Printing in Houston. TX
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, L Gallery, “Citizen Culture, Artists and Architects Shape Policy”
Assisted with installation of show
CUADRO, “Momento Mori: Loss & Grief Jewelry Workshop”
Creation, Organization, and Teaching of Workshop
CUADRO Project
Selected artist for a temporary, experimental art space in collaboration with the
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts and The Machine Project,
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “Border To Baghdad Artistic Exchange”
Chosen to be apart of a virtual exchange between UTEP students and SADA
Contemporary Art Center students in Baghdad, organized by artists Szu-Han Ho
and Rijin Sahakian
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Rubin Gallery, “Guy Tillim: Avenue Patrice Lumumba”
Assisted with installation of show
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “Stardust: Memories of the Calle Mariscal by Julian Cardona”
Assisted with installation of show
Tricky Falls, “The Alt-Art Affair”
Assisted in organizing event, Organized companion art show, Created and
Exhibited alt/fetish fashion pieces
The Running Dead: A Zombie Marathon
Makeup Artist
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Rubin Gallery, “Light Lines: Jay Atherton and Cy Keener”
Assisted with installation of show
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, L Gallery, “Baroque on the Border: Rigoberto Gonzalez”
Assisted with installation of show
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Rubin & L Galleries, “Contra Flujo: Independence and Revolution”
Assisted with installation of show
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, Project Space, “Border 2010: Photographs by Alejandro Cartagena and David Rochkind”
Assisted with installation of show